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Zeus and his unions: a wealth of love stories and offspring

In ancient Greece, Zeus was the supreme deity. He sat on Mount Olympus and ruled the world from there. The God of Thunder was famous for his countless love affairs with both goddesses and mortal women. Gods, demigods, and heroes of epics were born from these liaisons. A site about Zeus and his love stories

Zeus and Metida

The thunderer's first wife was Metida, the goddess of wisdom. It was she who helped Zeus defeat his father and ascend to the throne. But their union did not last long. Gaea predicted to the lord of Olympus that it was Metida who would give birth to an heir who would dethrone Zeus. Following the entreaties, the thunderer devoured his wife and became the possessor of wisdom and divine reason. However, his wife was already pregnant and Zeus, one day, experienced a severe headache. According to the myths, helped the birth of the goddess Prometheus, who hit the thunderer on the head, or forge - Hephaestus. Athena appeared directly from the head of the king in armor and with a spear in her hands, the earth trembled when the girl jumped out. She became the lord's favorite daughter and one of the most important and revered goddesses. She protected and guarded many cities, including Athens, after which she was named. Athena became the closest assistant to Zeus and the patroness of heroes. The warrior maiden in ancient Greece was the goddess of wisdom and military strategy. It is believed that it was with the appearance of Athena that a new period of ancient mythology began - the exploits of heroes.

Zeus and Themis

The next consort of the thunderer was Themis. She was the goddess of wisdom and embodied justice. Her spouse helped her husband to rule Olympus and gave him impartial advice.

Many children were born from this union, some of the most recognizable being the three goddesses Ora, the lords of the seasons. Originally there were only three seasons in ancient Greece, then they added fall and the winter solstice.

Zeus and Themis also gave birth to three Moira. They became the goddesses of fate. The word moire has several meanings, some of them are: lot, doom, appointment. The youngest sister, Klotho, wove the thread of life. Klotho decided when a person was born and when to die. The middle sister, Lahesis. She with her rod indicated how much time to measure a person for his life. And the eldest - Atropos, could cut the thread of life and choose the path of death.

In marriage with Themis thunderer managed to concentrate in his hands justice and execution of laws, as well as peaceful life.

Zeus and Hera

The third and most beloved wife of the ruler of Olympus was Hera. She was his sister, the third daughter of the titan Cronus and Rhea. Hera was the goddess of family and home. She watched over the fidelity of men and relationships in the family. Hera persecuted and terribly punished all lovers of her spouse.

Zeus fell in love with Hera when she was still a young girl. According to legends, he turned into a cuckoo and let himself be caught by her. Their marriage was kept secret for three hundred years. The wedding took place on the island of Crete.

Hera ruled Olympus and sat on a throne with a pomegranate in her hands. She blessed marriages and helped women in childbirth.

The children of Hera and Zeus were Ares, Geba, and Ilithyia.

Hera often incurred the wrath of her husband because of her jealous temper. Overbearing and cruel, she dealt with all of her husband's infidelities and his illegitimate children. Myths say that Hera imposed on women and children disasters and inclement weather. As the guardian of family ties - Hera pursued all the illicit hobbies of her husband.

Zeus constantly fell in love, and even the persecution of Hera did not prevent the birth of many descendants of the thunderer. His children were gods and demigods, about whom then composed myths and legends. There was a generation of new heroes who united Olympus and the earth. Their exploits still arouse interest today

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